The details you send as part of the GET/api/order/:id method.

order_idThe ID of the order in our system, this is the ID used to get the order details later
order_numberThe order number that is used for reference, this will be in the format EO-00000
order_dateThe date of the order placed in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
order_statusThe status of the order. This will be either failed, created, paid or cancieled
gift_order_methodThe method that order is placed or gifted. This will be either email, direct, link, api-purchase or api-giftlink.
link_how_many_timesOnly sent if gift_order_method == link
The number of how many times the link can be redeemed
link_urlOnly sent if gift_order_method == link
The URL used to redeem the gift
link_messageOnly sent if gift_order_method == link
The message included on the link redemption page
gift_of_choiceAn option if you want your user to have an option to choose a different gift as a gift of choice. This is either a Y or N
branding_selectedThe type of branding that you are want for your gift link or email. This is either elliephant, company or custom. company can only be used if your company branding as been set in your company profile. custom can only be set if placed on the store.
branding_optionsAn array containing the branding values. You can find more information about the information contained in this value here
product_offeredThe original product offered. This will be an array containing product_id and variation_id. This connects to the product id and variation id retreved in the GET/api/product/:id method
order_totalsAn array containing the order totals. You can find more information about the information contained in this value here
email_templateThe template used for the emails sent. This could be either celebration, generic, sympathy or christmas. This can only be set if placed on the store.
recipientsAn array containing the recipient details. You can find more information about the information contained in this value here